Meeting Coverage

ACG Video Pearls

Video Pearls from the American College of Gastroenterology

Bloating, Abdominal Pain Are 'Driving Factors' in Global IBS-D Symptom Scores

Stool consistency was only found to have a moderate correlation


Latest ACG Video Pearls Meeting Coverage

IgG-Guided Elimination Diet Promising for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Improved global endpoints compared with sham diet, says Anthony Lembo, MD

November 23, 2022
Plecanatide for Severe Abdominal Pain, Bloating in IBS-Constipation

Treatment eases severe symptoms, pooled analysis of phase III trials showed

November 17, 2022
Rifaximin Improves Fecal Urgency and Stool Consistency in IBS With Diarrhea

Brooks Cash, MD, discusses his post-hoc analysis of the TARGET 1 and TARGET 2 studies

November 10, 2022