About MedPage Today

MedPage Today covers clinical news…

MedPage Today is a trusted source for clinical news coverage across the medical specialties. We cover all the clinical news, findings, and announcements that we think will directly affect the lives and practices of health care professionals throughout the U.S. Our reporters are longtime experts in their beats; our editors are top-notch, and we are meticulous about fact-checking and disclosures.

…and we report on conferences….

MedPage Today’s writers attend roughly 75 medical conferences a year in the U.S. and abroad to bring you the most relevant coverage across all the major specialties. We send up to four writers to each conference, and also work with a portfolio of highly experienced freelance journalists to ensure that our coverage is comprehensive and representative.

…as well as what’s happening in Washington…

Our readers occasionally write in with remarks such as “MedPage should stay out of politics.” We wanted to take a moment to explain why we cover politics—why we have a Washington office with reporters who are fully credentialed to cover Congress, the Supreme Court, HHS, and the White House, and consider our coverage of “medical politics” to be central to MedPage Today’s mission and identity.

 Peggy Peck, MedPage Today’s founding editor, wrote an editorial in 2016 that describes our reasoning very well:

“Ever since the passage of Medicare – followed by Medicaid – it has been impossible to separate medicine from politics, because decisions made by the overseers at those programs (first called the Health Care Financing Administration, now known as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) affect medical practice every day, in every setting.

We don't serve our users well if we ignore that simple fact, but we can serve them well by bringing the informed voice of MedPage Today to that coverage. It is our job to cover all aspects of an issue, all sides of the question, even if doing so may sometimes make us or our users uncomfortable.”

…with impartiality and journalistic integrity.

An important part of our mission is to report on what people in healthcare are thinking, saying, and doing, for the benefit of others who want to know. Does that sometimes reflect one point or another on the political spectrum? Yes.

Does every article we publish need to express viewpoints from every part of the spectrum? No.

For readers who would prefer NOT to know what others in healthcare thinking, saying, and doing, and simply want MedPage Today’s indispensable clinical news delivered to their inbox daily, you can head over to the enewsletter subscription page to customize your newsletters so that you receive only clinical news.

A final point about politics: We publish what is submitted by readers; what we and the editorial board deem factual (in cases where facts are presented), and as adding to the ongoing, constructive conversation about the state of healthcare in the United States.

If you have a viewpoint you think is missing from the site, and that viewpoint advances a productive conversation about how to improve healthcare in some way, then we’d love to hear it regardless of what political ideology it might align with. Please send to editorial@medpagetoday.com.

We investigate and report on all aspects of healthcare….

At the heart of it, MedPage Today’s mission is to do our part to make healthcare better, by helping to create better-informed, more aware healthcare professionals. As part of this mission, last year we formed an in-house Enterprise & Investigative team, led by Kristina Fiore.

The enterprise work that Kristina and her team do brings you personal stories from physicians, like a feature story that Elizabeth Hlavinka wrote about Matthew Wetschler, MD, MPH, and his near-death by drowning and how it changed him as a physician.

Our investigative team seeks to shine a light on wrongdoing in medicine—whether individual, corporate, or governmental.  A good example of their work is the team’s series of articles on the potential pattern of overuse of endometrial ablation from early this year.

Of particular focus for this group, is following the money in healthcare—we often tackle stories about reimbursement, hospital billing, and the like, and consider this an area of specialization.

…produce a podcast called Anamnesis

MedPage Today’s monthly podcast Anamnesis, with host Amy Ho, MD, is a forum in which health professionals share stories from their daily practice: often personal, always interesting. In this podcast we honor and highlight the humanity and soul of caring for people -- patients and one another.
“In-betweenisodes” of Anamnesis include important meeting coverage.

…and publish the opinions and essays from our readers and our Editorial Board.

MedPage also publishes an increasing number of contributed pieces, whether written or in video form, from our readership, but also from our diverse and respected Editorial Board. Of course, the views and opinions of these contributions are not those of the editors, writers, or management of MedPage Today.

Thank you for reading MedPage!

Rachel Warren
SVP of Editorial, MedPage Today LLC
345 Hudson Street, 16
th floor
New York, NY 10016


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Note: MedPage Today LLC is the owner and publisher of MedPage Today. Everyday Health Group is the parent and sole owner of MedPage Today, LLC, and Ziff Davis is the parent of Everyday Health Group.

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